- Blog
- March 9, 2022
The Future of NHS HR & Organisational Development

The Trickle wellbeing app team discusses the future of NHS HR and organisational development in their latest blog.
By 2030, the way we work will be completely different. A combination of new technology, remote working and artificial intelligence (alongside a greater emphasis on staff wellbeing) means we all need to adapt. None more so than the NHS, which will be required to accommodate the changing needs of both its patients and its employees.
According to a recent report, the NHS HR and Organisational Development department has set out its own 2030 vision, as it adapts to the changing needs of the country. The vision was created by seeking the opinions of those who use the people department most — the employees.
In this article, we’ll look at the eight main themes of the report, and how using a people platform like Trickle can help to achieve the NHS HR and Organisational Development department’s aims.
Prioritising the health and wellbeing of all employees
“The NHS take a proactive approach in supporting the health, safety and wellbeing of its people, ensuring that work has a positive impact. The NHS addresses health inequalities at work and in the community.”
It’s paramount to look after your employees’ wellbeing. Many workplace factors can contribute to poor mental health, so it’s vital that an organisation can help their people address any issues they face in the moment, when it’s needed most. That’s where Trickle comes in.
Our wellbeing log, “How Was Your Day?”, is a daily virtual check-in for employees that produces a weekly report showing them the positive and negative factors that have contributed to their emotional and physical wellbeing.
It’s designed to empower employees to make and track positive changes, while giving organisations topline data and an opportunity to make large scale improvements that will benefit their employees’ wellbeing at scale.
When it comes to wellbeing, sometimes it can be hard to speak up — especially when it’s a personal matter. Trickle lets people stay anonymous if they wish, so that your employees can raise concerns or reach out for support in a safe environment.
Trickle’s ‘Flare’ tool provides an anonymous way for your people to seek direct support for concerns that they feel unable to raise in person.
Flares are private, secure and flexible and are directed to specialist individuals or groups within any organisation, based on the category of the issue. For example, mental, physical or financial wellbeing concerns.
Creating a great employee experience
“The NHS understands the diverse needs, expectations and experiences of its people, and uses that insight to tailor its people services. The NHS attracts and retains people in health and care, creating a positive impact on the community.”
Trickle gives everyone a voice, allowing your employees to share their opinions and make suggestions. When people feel safe to speak up and see positive changes being made, they’ll be happier and more productive at work.
Trickle’s real-time data provides you with instant insight on what matters most to your people, giving you the opportunity to establish a natural two-way dialogue to make improvements.
Ensuring inclusion and belonging for all
“The NHS uses its expertise and influence to create an inclusive culture, which values and celebrates diversity. It listens to its people and takes action to ensure there is equity for everyone.”
Organisations are only as successful as their people and Trickle helps you bring your people together, fostering inclusivity and collaboration in the workplace. Psychological safety plays a vital role in strengthening inclusion and belonging and with Trickle your people can speak up and seek support anonymously if they wish to ensure no one is left out.
Trickle also features a ‘Champions Chat’ area that allows colleagues to work together to innovate, make improvements and solve issues.
With Trickle, employees feel empowered to contribute and be part of important conversations that they may not have had the chance to or felt comfortable doing before.
Supporting and developing the people profession
“The NHS supports everyone working in the people profession to be their very best and reach their full potential, together providing outstanding people practices.”
Giving employees appreciation and approval in the things they’re doing well sets them on the right development path. Trickle’s Shout Abouts are a chance to do just that — including celebrating team wins and sharing important news. The announcements can be targeted at everyone in your organisation, individual departments or specific working locations to see and give virtual high-fives, helping to spread positivity.
Almost 80% of people leave their jobs because of lack of recognition, which can be easily resolved with Trickle. First Bumps and Shout Abouts allow you to virtually recognise them for their efforts — increasing job satisfaction, boosting morale and showing people that they are valued.
Harnessing the talents of all employees
“The NHS helps its people fulfil their ambition and potential, building strong leadership and management capability at all levels.”
Trickle enables all employees to work together to bring about positive change. By breaking down barriers and silos, leadership teams stay in tune with their people and can truly understand what’s going on in the organisation, from the ground up.
Using Trickle creates opportunities for everyone to lead, inspire, empower and work as a team to bring about positive change that has a real impact.
Leading improvement, change and innovation
“The people profession is productive, efficient and responsive. The NHS’s operating model delivers transformation and embeds innovation across organisations and systems.”
Trickle automatically ranks your workforce’s top 5 most pressing issues, improvement opportunities or suggestions, with the ability to filter this to individual teams and locations. This allows teams to focus on what matters most and work together to find solutions and make improvements.
But the development process doesn’t end there. Teams can track progress and measure the impact of each change on Trickle’s platform. Depending on the outcome, the teams can refine or continue to monitor the success the changes are having. It’s a continuous process because continually working on and reviewing change is the only way organisations will thrive in an ever-changing world.
Embedding digitally enabled solutions
“The NHS makes best use of technology and digital solutions to deliver great people services. It develops their digital capability to equip themselves for the future.”
As a best-in-class digital solution, Trickle gives everyone a voice to share their opinions and make suggestions — regardless of location. The platform can also be accessed at any time, across devices, so people can stay connected and involved in conversations when it’s right for them.
Trickle also allows your employees to make suggestions or raise concerns, keeping them focussed and productive by helping to alleviate any stresses they have.
Enabling new ways of working and planning for the future
“The NHS enables its people to work differently and support new models of care. It anticipates the needs of the health and care system and plays its part in creating a sustainable supply of workforce that meets the needs of patients now and for the future.”
Whether working in-office, hybrid or fully remote, Trickle brings employers and employees together under one digital roof — allowing your people to work in the way that suits them best.
Using Trickle also gives a new perspective on the day-to-day work environment. From opening up channels of conversation to working together and providing support, it’s never been easier to listen and engage as part of your everyday work.
If you’d like to find out more about how Trickle can help your NHS HR and Organisational Development department, chat to our team and book a demo.